Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Summer of 2014

This has been an amazing and important summer for Molly and me. Not only did we begin riding outside of lessons, but Stephanie and Duane sold the barn. They moved into a well deserved retirement, and Molly and I moved to another family farm a little farther away.

At this farm, she seems very happy. It's quiet and pretty, and she can see three other horses and four miniature donkeys.

We can walk through many of the fields, and she walks very well indeed. She even trots! Totally unbelievable. At Duane's arena, which was very nicely maintained, she was known for not trotting, and would slow down and moan when asked. After much suffering, she would trot slowly and more slowly, and halt immediately at the slightest excuse, looking very put upon. In the new fields, I asked for a trot and was nearly left behind when she popped right into it. She keeps going, too. It's like a different animal alltogether.

All of this walking has been good for me. I've been more conscious of my posture this year, both on and off the mule (and I am always surprised at how fast my body reverts to its slump). After many years studying books and videos, and all of my instructors pleading to "Relax your back!", the knitting together of posture, contact, and rhythm is finally beginning to make sense.